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Euclides (Foto/ Istimewa) |
Cahayakristus7.blogspot.com - Jakarta - Pembodohan itu ada dimana-mana, baik di sosmed, sekolah maupun di televisi. Salah satu contohnya adalah tentang penemu Aljabar. Ketika saya sekolah, saya diajarkan bahwa yang menemukan Aljabar itu bernama Muhammad Ibn Musa Al khawarizmi (780-850). Benarkah? Tentu jawabannya TIDAK! Penemu Aljabar adalah Euclid dari Alexandria (320 – 275 Sebelum Masehi/BC). Buku Euclid yang bicara tentang Aljabar berjudul Elements yang ditulis sekitar tahun 300 sebelum masehi. Kemudian ilmuwan dari India bernama Arya Bhatta (475-550 AD/Sesudah Masehi) dan Brahmmagupta (598-660 AD/Sesudah Masehi) memgembangkan ilmu Aljabar temuan dari Euclid. Sedangkan ilmuan Arab bernama Muhammad Ibn Musa Al khawarizmi baru mengembangkan ilmu Aljabar tahun 780-850 AD/Sesudah Masehi, ketika bangsa Arab menaklukan Alexandria..
#Ingat, manusia dibentuk dari literasi. Jika sumber literasinya bodong dan Hoax, maka tidak heran isi kepala manusianya bodong dan Hoax.
This pioneering dinosaur, who lived some 300 years before Jesus Christ, is the grandfather of geometry. Most of his works were lost; but those that survived indicated that he was the first person known to have used logical and rigorous proofs in solving theorems and conjectures.
He was also the first to prove that prime numbers are infinitely many; as well as the first to differentiate axioms from theorems. After cutting his teeth with the works of Pythagoras and Eudoxus, Euclid established the first Maths Department at the University of Alexandria, in Egypt. He later authored his thirteen books, (collectively known as The Elements), which served as the world’s standard syllabus for more than 2000 years; and whose basis continues to form today’s High School curricula. Likewise, the Systems Definitions and the Geometrical Axioms, which he originated, have served the world for over 2200 years.
These helped consolidate his position as the most famous mathematician, the most influential mathematician, and the greatest maths tutor. The fact that Euclid was “bred and buttered” in Egypt exposed him to the lofty schools of thoughts which were the world’s bests then. His analytical style is a reminder of the triumphs of the Egyptian Civilization. Simply put, if you are not dripping wet with Euclidean Geometry, you have not bathed in the ocean of mathematics.
2. Karya
The Elements dapat dikatakan karya fenomenal pada jaman itu. Terdiri dari 13 buku yang tersusun berdasarkan tema dan topik. Setiap buku diawali dengan definisi, postulat (hanya untuk buku I), proposisi, theorema sebelum ditutup dengan pembuktian dengan menggunakan definisi dan postulat.
Garis besar isi masing-masing buku.
Buku I : Dasar-dasar geometri: teori segitiga, sejajar dan luas
Buku II : Aljabar geometri
Buku III : Teori-teori tentang lingkaran
Buku IV : Cara membuat garis dan gambar melengkung
Buku V : Teori tentang proporsi-proporsi abstrak
Buku VI : Bentuk yang sama dan proporsi-proporsi dalam geometri
Buku VII : Dasar-dasar teori bilangan
Buku VIII : Proporsi-proporsi lanjutan dalam teori bilangan
Buku IX : Teori bilangan
Buku X : Klasifikasi
Buku XI : Geometri tiga dimensi
Buku XII : Mengukur bentuk-bentuk
Buku XIII : Bentuk-bentuk tri-matra (tiga dimensi)
1. http://www.sapaviva.com/euclid-of-alexandria/
2. http://hanmatematika.blogspot.com/2013/01/euclid.html
Editor: Silvester Detianus Gea